How it works

Share your templates is an online plattform allowing the exchange of free VCmaster templates. All templates are available as PDF file for preview before downloading.

Prerequisite for using the free templates is the installation of a VCmaster version. If you don't already have a full version, you can order your free trial version here: VCmaster Free Trial.

If you are interested in sharing templates you have created using VCmaster, please get in touch with the Support Team at
You will be provided with a free developer license.

How it works

Simple and easy-to-use
sharing platform to pick the
VCmaster template that helps you
achieve faster design times on your
current project.
Browse Catalog and Preview the Templates
Use Search and Filter to find a specific Template
Click on the app for more information
Click on the Image for a larger Version
Preview the Templates Output
Download the Template for usage in VCmaster


Creating new documents for every project your company approaches can waste valuable time and money. Instead, focus on original, internal templates that can be utilized for a variety of projects, including enterprise communications, as well as customer projects.

Having a ready-made template that you prefer and trust can help streamline the entire process - saving you time and stress.

Benefit from the use of templates.